Mary Hardiman
Professional Massage Therapy


Mary offers a layered therapeutic approach to empower, support, and uplift others on their health and wellness journey.

Mary empowers her clients with resource, guidance, and strategies to relieve chronic pain, chronic/daily stress, emotional and physical traumas through the body. Our bodies are our last level of manifestation, from the inside to the outside. Our goal will be to meet and resolve what's needed at each of the physical, mental, and emotional layers. This creates a foundation for long-lasting results of ease and comfort within the body, mind, and spirit as a Whole.

MWM Offerings

  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy : BCST supports nervous system regulation and allows the resolution of conditions resulting from stress and trauma.
  • Structural Integration : Through education, mind-body awareness, and therapeutic touch, you can release painful, stressful patterns of tension. Effortful habits are replaced with feelings of comfort, ease of movement and posture, and a sense of whole-body coherence.
  • Massage Therapy : A great tool for relaxation, easing muscle tension, stress and pain relief - Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Pre and Peri-Natal Massage
  • Mind-Body Movement :  Address functional movement patterns that may lead to injury or pain and address the breakdown with manual therapy techniques and functional movement exercise, in order to facilitate a healthy body that moves efficiently. 


“Transformation is an on-going process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking place.” - Suzy Ross

About Mary

Mary is an intuitively skilled practitioner with a cornucopia of ways to meet you and your body where it is. Inspired by her own personal transformation and healing past injuries and trauma in the body, Mary has dedicated her life to assisting others on their healing path and transformation. Her approach ranges from the surface layer of fascia that encases muscles, adding a routine of healthy and functional movement for the musculoskeletal layer, or to the nervous system and fluid body which dictates what the brain is telling the body to do at any given moment. 


           "Running water clears itself" Dr. Stone              ~               "Life heals itself given the proper conditions." - Dr. Still


Health Benefits

Resolve chronic pain and muscle tension - Improve Immune Function - Regulate Nervous System - Reduce Stress - Create foundation for Emotional Harmony - Post Operation Recovery - Improved Nightly Rest - Increase Energy - Spinal Health and Function - Core Support - Improved Alignment and Posture - Mind-Body Awareness - Improve Circulation - Movement Efficiency - Coordination - Mobility - Scar Tissue Repair - Nervous System Trauma Repair


"Your body is like a car. It will get you to your destination, but requires care and maintenance to run well "                    - Joan Collins





                                                                                    - B. Anderson

''At times I questioned her methods; but then as the pain subsided and peace entered my body, I learned very quickly that she is here to heal." - K.


"Unfortunately, our society tends to view our muscular and skeletal systems as separate entities disjointed from each other but Mary through her knowledge of the body using massage and Rolfing innately seems to understand otherwise." P.

" Mary's willingness and ability to communicate real grounded specific information about muscles and joints and how they work and interact has been essential to my ability to benefit from any movement." N.


Now offering in-person, and online options.

Click link below to Book Appointment.


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